Power Quality

In order to understand why there is a need for a harmonic solution guide, we need to go back to the end of the 19th century, when the increasing demand for electricity led to a requirement for public power supply. The conflict between the two concepts “AC” and “DC” led to the “war of currents” around 1890.


Both technologies were promoted and installed, but the “war” was finally won by the supporter of the alternating current technology, against the supporter of the direct current led by Thomas A. Edison. The victory was mainly secured by the ability to transmit energy over long distances by using transformers. Recognizing the advantage of the alternating current, George Westinghouse bought patent rights of the transformer (1885 called “secondary generator”) from Lucien Gaulard and John Gibbs, and the victory of the AC current took its course.

During the “war of currents” the purpose of electricity was mainly to supply linear loads such as lightning and simple electrical machines, thus obscuring the disadvantages of the AC current. With the worldwide rapid increase in semiconductor and other non-linear loads we are now facing the challenge to keep our AC supply clean, or at least as clean as necessary.

Linear and non-linear load

Electrical loads where the current is not proportional to the voltage are called non-linear loads. Linear loads are pure sinusoidal, and either resistive, inductive or capacitive. To verify the difference between linear and non-linear loads, please refer to the picture below.

The loads such as seen in picture 1.2 and 1.3 are pure sinusoidal, at least in this simplified graph. Based on this it is common practice to define the power-factor as the phase relationship between voltage and current, although this is in fact the displacement factor. Therefore literature often refers to the power factor as the “true power factor” in order to avoid misunderstanding. The definition of (true) power factor and displacement factor are: (v1 and i1 are referring to fundamental frequency)

pf and df may have the same value under the condition that all items are purely sinusoidal. In a real application this does not take place which will be explained in more detail later. Continuously wrong usage of pf for df led to so-called power factor correction equipment (PFC). As this PFC only focuses on phase correction it will not solve problems related to other kinds of distortion. Basically there are different distortions of the main supply such as:

This paper focuses on harmonic distortion, especially the distortion caused by variable frequency drives. Measures for harmonic mitigation usually have a positive impact on other kind of distortion as well.



Ideally, all loads and sources have a pure sinusoidal current waveform. However, the true waveform of most equipment is very different. Non-linear loads like the input current of a standard 6-pulse variable frequency drive (as seen in picture 1.4) cause a distortion of the mains voltage. This distortion is typically evaluated by the Total Harmonic Distortion THD. For power equipment this THD usually obtains frequencies from the 2nd up to the 40th harmonic. Mathematically the harmonics are not limited to the 40th and for other subjects, e.g. audio equipment distortion; the THD range definition might be different.

In order to evaluate the harmonic distortion we need to understand harmonics from a mathematical point of view: Harmonics are multiples of the fundamental frequency (nth Harmonic = n • f).

For the most common domestic power supply of 50Hz this means:

2nd Harmonic = 100Hz7th Harmonic. = 350Hz12th Harmonic = 600Hz17th Harmonic = 850Hz
3rd Harmonic = 150Hz8th Harmonic = 400Hz13th Harmonic = 650Hz18th Harmonic = 900Hz
4th Harmonic = 200Hz9th Harmonic = 450Hz14th Harmonic = 700Hz19th Harmonic = 950Hz
5th Harmonic = 250Hz10th Harmonic. = 500Hz15th Harmonic= 750Hz20th Harmonic = 1000Hz
6th Harmonic = 300Hz11th Harmonic = 550Hz16th Harmonic = 800Hz

The Fourier transformation decomposes a function of time into its individual frequencies. This means that every periodic signal is a function that can be divided into individual harmonics. The following table helps verify the principle.

This means from a mathematical point of view it is possible to create any periodical signal by adding up harmonics of different order, phase and amplitude.

If you'd like to learn more about maths, please visit:  

Harmonic distortion

As seen in picture 1.4 the input-current-shape of a standard DC-choked drive is far away from the sinus, and the input current of drives with AC-choke is largely similar. The input-current-shape of a drive without any inductance is significantly worse. Although there are many different sources of harmonic distortion, a great part is caused by variable frequency drives (VFD). Therefore these pages focusing on solutions for the drives.

When speaking about harmonics in the context of an electrical power supply and electrical equipment, this is related to the harmonic distortion between 2nd and 40th Harmonic (in a 50Hz supply this is equal to 100Hz – 2kHz). This frequency range is subject to different standards and harmonics recommendations, and the standards are likely to be extended to the frequency of 2kHz to 9kHz very soon.

In a completely symmetrical three-phase supply a 6-pulse rectifier, input does not cause any distortion on the harmonics that are multiples of 3, nor any distortion on the even number harmonics. In the area of 2nd – 40th this excludes every harmonic except for the following twelve: 5th, 7th, 11th, 13tth, 17th, 19th, 23rd, 25th, 29th, 31st, 35th, 37th. This is the reason why standards and recommendations pay attention to these individual harmonic orders. Of course, no true power supply is completely symmetrical; therefore harmonics are also caused on other harmonic orders.

The harmonic distortion is evaluated by the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) or Total Demand Distortion (TDD) which is each separated for current and for voltage distortion.

Power Factor


Power Factor, a major impact on your power quality


In a most common sense, when speaking about reactive power and power factor this is referring to fundamental sinewave signals where current and voltage are at a different angle.


Typically the reactive power is calculated by the cosϕ (also referred to as power factor, pf).     


When it comes to reactive power, the following illustration has become very famous.


The Beer is indicating what you actually wants, while the foam is representing the reactive power. This illustration is giving a simplified picture of the reactive power only taking into account the sinewave signals. This can be used for most typical inductive loads such as motors connected direct on line (without Variable Speed Drive).  


4 Reasons why to take care of fundamental reactive power


Power Factor:

In many regions, utilities charge customer based on power factor. Due to inefficient use, a low power factor usually lead to higher charges.

Infrastructure efficiency: 

Reactive power needs to be generated, transferred and distributed. At all times, this will cause losses in the system. 

Infrastructure costs:

 While reactive power does not create any real work in the final application, reactive power still increase the current in the whole system. This is causing high costs due to necessary oversizing of equipment such as transformer, switches and wire. 

Voltage stability: 

Avoiding reactive power and ensuring a stable pf stabilizes the voltage and helps avoiding fluctuations in the voltage.


With more complex loads, such as a mixture of VFD and inductive loads, the beer allegory is not sufficient. In order to evaluate the true reactive power, the distortion power caused by harmonics must be considered. Looking at the true power factor this is affected by both THDi and cos(ϕ):

Therefore when improving power factor both harmonics and fundamental reactive power should be treated, rather than dealing with these two issues individually. This leads to some advantages in the solution itself due to the calculation of the RMS current:

Using the equation above, fundamental current and harmonic currents are added as square sum. In a system with 100A of harmonic currents and 150A of reactive current, they would typically require two individual solutions with 100A and 150A. This leads to 250A compensation current in total.




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